Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Overcome Sleepiness Morning

How to overcome sleepiness morning ?, here some tips to do that :

sleepiness morning

1. Exposure to Sunlight in The Morning
Sunlight between 06.00 am to 09.00 am have many benefits for our body. According research from University of Liege, people who always wake up in the morning and exposured by sunlight, generally have smooth blood circulation and easy to concentrate.
Another benefits, wake up in the morning make you fit and make your sleep more proportional.

2. Light Massage
According research from University of Michigan, light massage in temple area can increase stamina, and make you fast awake after sleep at night. There are 5 point to stimulate body not easy to sleep : the top of the head, between thumb and forefinger, the right area under the center of kneecap, under the ankle, and the base of the neck

3. Drink A Fresh Water
After several hours we sleep at night, our body lose a lot of liquid. So when you wake up you feel thirsty. Dr.Oz suggest to drink a glass of fresh water than coffee. 
Beside that you can also Ayuruevedic Practice of Ishnaya technique that is rub arms, hands, and feet using towel containing ice for two minutes. This way expected can expel toxic from our body and make smooth blood circulation.

4. Do Sport
After wake up, blood doen't pump well, so familiarize to do light sport like jogging, gymnastic, or just stretching.

5. Breakfast
Don't skip breakfast, because can trigger to eat more in the afternoon. So that is the cause which make you tired and sleepy in the office after lunch.

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